河南有色金属网站 www.hnnm.cn 时间:2014-03-17 16:50 来源:
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SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 110 [ RunTime:0.002972s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 109 [ RunTime:0.013140s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 108 [ RunTime:0.003993s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 107 [ RunTime:0.002781s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 106 [ RunTime:0.002521s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 105 [ RunTime:0.006678s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 104 [ RunTime:0.003729s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 103 [ RunTime:0.010378s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 102 [ RunTime:0.013629s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 100 [ RunTime:0.002055s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 99 [ RunTime:0.016558s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 94 [ RunTime:0.002013s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 93 [ RunTime:0.001511s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 92 [ RunTime:0.002733s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 91 [ RunTime:0.002367s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 90 [ RunTime:0.002906s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 89 [ RunTime:0.002767s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 88 [ RunTime:0.003163s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 87 [ RunTime:0.003081s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 86 [ RunTime:0.013138s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 85 [ RunTime:0.003032s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 84 [ RunTime:0.001866s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 83 [ RunTime:0.003267s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 82 [ RunTime:0.003014s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 81 [ RunTime:0.008606s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 80 [ RunTime:0.002017s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 79 [ RunTime:0.002674s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 78 [ RunTime:0.001725s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 77 [ RunTime:0.013902s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 76 [ RunTime:0.001433s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 75 [ RunTime:0.002546s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 74 [ RunTime:0.016877s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 73 [ RunTime:0.002862s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 72 [ RunTime:0.003089s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 71 [ RunTime:0.003731s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 70 [ RunTime:0.040486s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 69 [ RunTime:0.011332s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 68 [ RunTime:0.021960s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 67 [ RunTime:0.003498s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 66 [ RunTime:0.003803s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 65 [ RunTime:0.003106s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 64 [ RunTime:0.003298s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 63 [ RunTime:0.004488s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 62 [ RunTime:0.003156s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 61 [ RunTime:0.014025s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 60 [ RunTime:0.007809s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 59 [ RunTime:0.003233s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 58 [ RunTime:0.004605s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 57 [ RunTime:0.005032s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 56 [ RunTime:0.004010s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 55 [ RunTime:0.003609s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 54 [ RunTime:0.006483s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 53 [ RunTime:0.020847s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 52 [ RunTime:0.004781s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 51 [ RunTime:0.003334s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 50 [ RunTime:0.020701s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 49 [ RunTime:0.006068s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 48 [ RunTime:0.003455s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 47 [ RunTime:0.011368s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 46 [ RunTime:0.014971s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 45 [ RunTime:0.003092s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 44 [ RunTime:0.002743s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 40 [ RunTime:0.001020s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 39 [ RunTime:0.003058s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 38 [ RunTime:0.008388s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 36 [ RunTime:0.002192s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 35 [ RunTime:0.002786s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 34 [ RunTime:0.003245s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 14 [ RunTime:0.002396s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 12 [ RunTime:0.001226s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `ht_article` [ RunTime:0.087126s ]
SELECT * FROM `ht_article` WHERE `archives_id` = 10763 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.220270s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `ht_links` [ RunTime:0.065224s ]
SELECT * FROM `ht_links` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.004404s ]