河南有色金属网站 www.hnnm.cn 时间:2011-01-20 16:06 来源:
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SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 107 [ RunTime:0.001321s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 106 [ RunTime:0.001685s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 105 [ RunTime:0.001032s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 104 [ RunTime:0.001614s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 103 [ RunTime:0.002314s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 102 [ RunTime:0.001259s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 100 [ RunTime:0.001847s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 99 [ RunTime:0.011903s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 94 [ RunTime:0.012671s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 93 [ RunTime:0.000512s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 92 [ RunTime:0.001383s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 91 [ RunTime:0.001394s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 90 [ RunTime:0.000709s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 89 [ RunTime:0.000946s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 88 [ RunTime:0.000865s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 87 [ RunTime:0.001037s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 86 [ RunTime:0.001103s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 85 [ RunTime:0.001100s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 84 [ RunTime:0.001081s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 83 [ RunTime:0.001089s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 82 [ RunTime:0.001183s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 81 [ RunTime:0.001005s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 80 [ RunTime:0.000700s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 79 [ RunTime:0.001405s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 78 [ RunTime:0.006430s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 77 [ RunTime:0.001011s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 76 [ RunTime:0.000706s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 75 [ RunTime:0.000758s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 74 [ RunTime:0.001175s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 73 [ RunTime:0.001513s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 72 [ RunTime:0.000775s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 71 [ RunTime:0.000951s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 70 [ RunTime:0.001325s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 69 [ RunTime:0.000975s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 68 [ RunTime:0.000809s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 67 [ RunTime:0.001018s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 66 [ RunTime:0.001116s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 65 [ RunTime:0.001141s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 64 [ RunTime:0.000542s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 63 [ RunTime:0.006353s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 62 [ RunTime:0.012655s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 61 [ RunTime:0.003152s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 60 [ RunTime:0.002617s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 59 [ RunTime:0.005031s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 58 [ RunTime:0.000846s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 57 [ RunTime:0.001507s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 56 [ RunTime:0.010799s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 55 [ RunTime:0.000738s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 54 [ RunTime:0.000498s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 53 [ RunTime:0.005873s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 52 [ RunTime:0.001956s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 51 [ RunTime:0.001186s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 50 [ RunTime:0.002250s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 49 [ RunTime:0.002630s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 48 [ RunTime:0.004298s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 47 [ RunTime:0.001272s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 46 [ RunTime:0.001233s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 45 [ RunTime:0.000711s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 44 [ RunTime:0.000991s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 40 [ RunTime:0.000997s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 39 [ RunTime:0.001599s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 38 [ RunTime:0.004883s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 36 [ RunTime:0.001491s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 35 [ RunTime:0.000477s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 34 [ RunTime:0.001131s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 14 [ RunTime:0.001082s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `ht_arctype` WHERE `pid` = 12 [ RunTime:0.001056s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `ht_links` [ RunTime:0.026433s ]
SELECT * FROM `ht_links` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.001284s ]